Each day you will record what you achieved that day in a google calender. Every two weeks you will take part in a conference where you show what you have been working on.
To see the schedule for conferences add the calender at "sd81.bc.ca_uah072vrs5uk30psch9q4n03f8@group.calendar.google.com" to your list
Basics Create a document which shows off your knowledge of word processing. Save your file as a pdf titled "word1_YOURNAME.pdf" and submit. (100 marks)
Howto Create a document in which you will create a help guide for Word. Save your file as a pdf titled "word2_YOURNAME.pdf" and submit. (100 marks)
Styles Create a document and format it using styles. Save your files as pdfs titled "word3_YOURNAME_1.pdf", "word3_YOURNAME_2.pdf", and "word3_YOURNAME_3.pdf" and submit. (100 marks)
Powerpoint #1 See assignment. And example. Save your file as power1_YOURNAME.pptx
and submit.
Powerpoint #2 Create a powerpoint presentation on one either a famous person/group you admire OR something you learned in the past year. Your presentation should include:
and submit.
Download the following excel spreadsheet then sort the salespeople from highest sales to lowest sales using sort tool. Speadsheet Save your file as 9excel1_YOURNAME.xlsx
Use formulas to calculate total profit. Follow Assignment Guide 9excel2_YOURNAME.xlsx
Create a speadsheet which would be a gradebook for a made up class should have
Create a line graph comparing the stock prices of Coca-Cola and Amazon. Get data from Dr. Rasp's Website Save your file as 9excel4_YOURNAME.xlsx
Create a program so the cat can move around the canvas using the arrow keys.
Scratch Assignment #2Create a pong clone
Scratch Assignment #3Create an awesome game of your own design.
Geo Guesser Try to figure out where in the world a Google Street View image is.
Eyeballing game Try and draw certain objects as accurately as possibly
Folds Origami folding game
Cargo Bridge Build bridges
Basketball Basketball shooting simulator
QWOP Control a runner
Luner Lander Classic game where you try and land a space craft