Business Computing

Welcome to the website for Business Computer Applications 11 and Business Information Managment 12. These courses cover how to use various computer technologies to preform business applications.


You will generally follow the GCF Word tutorials.

    • Lessons: Lessons 5 and 6

      Assignment: Create a word document which contains the following, label each. Save as word1_YOURNAME.docx and submit

      • Trademark symbol (™)
      • Euro symbol (€)
      • Size 20 Calibi font text
      • Size 30 Courier New font text
      • Size 30 Courier New font text
      • Green text
      • Bold Text
      • Italic Text
      • Underlined Text
      • Yellow highlighted text
      • Centered text
      • Right aligned text
    • Lessons: Lesson 7

      Assignment: Find the full text of Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" online and copy-paste it to a word document. Change the name of the main character to "Ted" by replacing all references to "Hamlet" with "Ted". Save as word2_YOURNAME.docx and submit

    • Lessons: Lesson 8 and 9

      Assignment: Create a document with 4 paragraphs as described below. Save as word3_YOURNAME.docx and submit. See example

      • 1st Paragraph: No indent on first line, 0.5 inch hanging indent. 1.15 line spacing.
      • 2nd Paragraph: 1 inch left indent, double spaced.
      • 3rd Paragraph: 1 inch indent on first line, no indent on other lines. 1.5 line spacing.
      • 4th Paragraph: 4 lines of numbers (with different # of digits) aligned using tab stop so that the decimal point is indented 2 inches.
    • Lessons: Lesson 10 and 11

      Assignment: Create 4 different lists as described below. Save as word4_YOURNAME.docx and submit. See Example

      • 1st List: Numbered list with 4 items, indented so that numbers at indented 1/2 inch, and content is indented 2 inches
      • 2nd List: A multi-level list with both numbers and bullets
      • 3rd List: Bulleted list with 4 items, bullet points should be red copyright symbols
      • 4th List: A number list followed by a line of text, and then the list continues
    • Assignment: You will create 3 versions of a business letter to the Prime Minister. You will write a one page letter to the Prime Minister using the correct address and salutation for him (look it up). You will use the school's address as your return address (look it up.) Your letter could be a real concern of yours or it could be silly. It must contain a list of some sort. You will create a block format, modified block format, and semi-block (indented) format version of the letter. You should use this guideline for block format, and this guideline for the other formats. Print your letters and submit to Mr. Nelson directly.

    • Lessons: Lesson 12 and 13

      Assignment: Create a document which is landscape oriented for legal sized paper with 1.5 inch margins at top and bottom and 0.5 inch margins for left and right. Save as word6_YOURNAME.docx and submit.

    • Lessons: Lesson 14 and 15

      Assignment: Create a document as outlined below. Save as word7_YOURNAME.docx and submit. See example: Page 1, Page 2

      • 1st Section: Paragraph (1 column)
      • 2nd Section: 2 columns with line between containing a bulleted list. First column should have 7 items, Second should have 10. Use column breaks.
      • 3rd Section: Paragraph (1 column) which ends in page break
      • 4th Section: Paragraph (1 column)
      • 5th Section: 3 columns, no line between them, each column is 1.5 inches wide with 1 inch space between. Columns contain a continuous lettered list with 6 items in the first column, 4 items in the second column and 9 in the last column. Use column breaks.
      • 6th Section: Paragraph (1 column)
    • Lessons: Lesson 16 and 17

      Assignment: Create a document as outlined below. Save as word8_YOURNAME.docx and submit.

      • 1 Page: No header or footer
      • 2-11th Page: Header with your name, a line with "Date Produced:" and a date field which is not updated, a line with "Date Printed:" and a date field which IS updated. A footer with the page number. Pages should be numbered 1-10.
      • 12th Page: No Header, a footer with the page number, the page number should be a continuation of the previous (so it will numbered 11)
    • Lessons: Lesson 18 and 19

      Assignment: Create a document as outlined below. Save as word9_YOURNAME.docx and then use the reduce file size option to compress your pictures as much as possible and save as word9reduced_YOURNAME.docx. Submit both files.

      • 1st page: 3 copies of a photo, one which is not distorted, one which is streched horizontally, one which is stretched vertically. See example
      • 2nd page: 3 paragraphs, each with a picture. First formatted so text goes over the picture. Second formatted so text goes on top and bottom of picture. Thrid formatted so text goes around picture. See example
      • 3rd Page: 3 sets of pictures, each with an original then one which is cropped. One which is cropped to a shape. One which has a black border added. See example
      • 4th Page: 3 sets of pictures, each with an original, then one which has been darkened, one which has an artisitc effect done to it, one which has a quick stype applied to it. See example
    • Lessons: Lesson 20,21 and 22

      Assignment: Create a document as outlined below. Save as word10_YOURNAME.docx and submit. See example

      • A coloured rectangle filling most of the horizorntal space of a page
      • Three arrows of different colours pointing down, these should be a group. The arrows should be equally distributed across the rectangle horizontally and go from top to bottom of the rectange vertically.
      • The same three arrows but rotated 180 degrees so they point up
      • Three text boxes in ovals which are above the background rectangle but below the arrows
    • Lessons: Lesson 23

      Assignment: Create a document as outlined below. Save as word11_YOURNAME.docx and submit. See example

      • Download the file, and convert the text into a table
      • Change your orientation to landscape and paper size to legal
      • A header row has been added
      • Rows are banded different colours and the header looks different than the rest of the table
    • Lessons: Lesson 26

      Assignment 1: Download the starting file . Then turn on track changes and edit the document so that it is an effective business letter. You may assume the letter is being sent by someone at FNSS (and thus use the school's address). Changes should be shown "inline" not as ballons. Save as word12a_YOURNAME.docx and submit.

      Note that this document is based on an exemplar from

      Assignment 2: Download the starting file . Add a comment to each paragraph of section explaining the key issues and suggestions for improvement. Save as word12b_YOURNAME.docx and submit.

      Note that this letter is based on an example from

    • Lessons: Lesson 26

      Assignment: Use SmartArt Graphics to create an org chart for the the company "Nelson Inc." You may make up the names for all employees.

      The CEO answers to a board of directors, she has an assistant who answers directly to her. There are two vice-presidents (one of sales, one of design) who answer to the CEO. The VP of sales has 3 managers who answer to her, the VP of design has 2 team leaders who answer to her. Eeach sales manager has 2 salespeople who answer to them. Each team leader has a team of 8 designers. There is a legal department consisting of a senior legal counsellor who answers to the CEO, a legal secretary and a junior legal counsellor who both answer to the senior legal counsellor. There is a CFO who reports directly to the Board. Save as word13_YOURNAME.docx and submit.

    • Lessons: Lesson 29

      Assignment:Create a document which uses at least 5 different styles (title, heading etc.) You could make the document on places you have visted, classes you are taking or any other topic. Save 3 different versions of the document each with a different layout. See example: 1, 2,3 Save as word14a_YOURNAME.docx, word14b_YOURNAME.docx and word14c_YOURNAME.docx and submit.

    • Lessons: Lesson 30

      Assignment: Create 500 envelopes addresssed to the 500 (fake) Canadian addresses available at The return address should be your name with the schools address.word15_YOURNAME.docx

    • Lessons:

      Assignment 1:Create a document which recreates of this income sheet. It does not have to be an exact copy but must be neat and contain all information in the original. Save as word16a_YOURNAME.docx and submit.

      Assignment 2:Create a document which recreates of this copy req form. It does not have to be an exact copy but must be neat and contain all information in the original. Save as word16b_YOURNAME.docx and submit.

    • Lessons:

      Assignment: See assignment file Use the addresses from Brian Dunning for your mail merge.


    • Lessons: Lessons 5 - 7

      Assignment: Create a sheet which includes the following. See example. Upload to FreshGrade.

      • Column A: counts from 0-200 by 2s (0,2,4,6,8...)
      • Column B: counts from 0-1000 by 10s (0, 10, 20...)
      • Column C: the first 101 cells all countain the letter "c" which is centred.
      • Column D: Which is 180 pixels wide, the first 101 cells contain the letter "d" which is coloured blue and right aligned
      • Cells E1 and F1 are merged and contain the text "E and F" in size 20 font
    • Lessons: Lessons 8

      Assignment: Create a sheet which includes the following. See example. Upload to FreshGrade.

      • Column A has a month of dates in order
      • Column B, C, and D have the same dates in different formats
    • Lessons: Lessons 9

      Assignment: Create a workbook which includes the following. See example. Upload to FreshGrade.

      • 12 worksheets: 1 for each month of the year
      • Each worksheet tab is coloured, months in the same quarter have the same colour.
      • Each worksheet has the title "[MONTH] Budget"
    • Lessons: Lessons 12

      Assignment: Download the following worksheet and modify so when printed:

      • All the data fits neatly on 2 regular 8.5x11 pages
      • Header row is repeated on the second page

      Print a copy and hand in directly.

    • Lessons: Lessons 13

      Assignment: Download the following worksheet and modify it so that it will perform the listed mathematical operations on the numbers provided in columns B and C and give the answer in column D. Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Lessons: Lessons 14

      Assignment: Download the following worksheet and add formulas it so that it will use the physics formulae given on the numbers provided. Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Lessons: Lessons 15

      Assignment 1: Download the following worksheet. For the first part add a formula to calculate the line total in D2. Then use the fill tool to fill this formula to D6. Use an absolute reference to determine sales tax in C11 based on the rate in E11 and use the fill tool to complete column C. Complete column D using formulas and the fill tool. See example. Upload to FreshGrade.

      Assignment 2: Using absolute references create a SINGLE FORMULA and the fill tool to create a 25x25 multiplication table. See example

    • Lessons: Lessons 16

      Assignment: In column "A" fill the first 10 rows with different numbers. Use functions to calculate the sum, average, max, min and count of those numbers. See example Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Lessons: IF Function

      Assignment: Download this worksheet. Use "if" statements to calculate if the student passes each class (above 50% is a pass). Then use a nested if statement to determine if the student is failing (less than 40%) is borderline (40-60%) or passing (60% or higher). See example Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Lessons: SUMIF Function

      Assignment: Download this worksheet. Use "SUMIF" statements to calculate the total sales for each of the 3 real estate agents in the sheet. Use this total to calulate their commission at 2% of total sales. See example Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Lessons: Google search for info on: LEFT, RIGHT, FIND and CONCATENATE functions

      Assignment: Download this worksheet. Use the string fuctions to separate the names into first and last names. Then use first and last names to generate e-mail addresses which have the form "first two letters of first name" + "last name" + "" See example Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Lessons: VLOOKUP function

      Assignment: Download this worksheet. Calculate overall grade for each student. Use VLOOKUP and a reference table to calculate letter grades for each student. Set up a search so that when a student's name is entered their overall grade and letter grade show. See example Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Lessons:


      Examine the data from the National Longitudinal Youth Survey from Dr. Rasp's Website.

      • First clean up the data by removing any entry with a negative value. You can do this by sorting the data from smallest to largest then deleting the negatives. You will have to do this for several columns.
      • Use this information to calculate average BMI (google "BMI formula") of these youth (note you will have to calculate their height in inches, and then calculate each BMI)
      • Calculate what percentage of the youth describe their body weight the same way as they would be classed by BMI. To do this you will have to use a lookup table as you did in the letter grade assignment to determine BMI categories. It is important to use fixed cell references by adding "$" to the lookup table references. You can then see if youth "correctly" self identified by using the EXACT function. Finally you can use the COUNTIF function to count how many of those values are "TRUE". This divided by the total number of entries will be the percentage "Correct."
      • Final product should look something like this.

      Upload to FreshGrade.
    • Lessons: Lessons 17-22, 24

      Assignment: Download worksheet.

      • Format the data as a table
      • Sort the adresses by last name
      • Freeze the top row
      • Filter the data so only people from California or New York state are shown
      • Use conditional formatting so that any company name containing the word "food" is highlighted
      See example. Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Lessons: Lesson 23

      Assignment: Examine the data from the Kentucky Derby from Dr. Rasp's Website. Find data for the years from 2010 to the present using google and add that information to the dataset. Finally create a line graph showing this data. To do this you will have to calculate race time in seconds. Your finished product should look something like example. Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Lessons: Lesson 27 and 28

      Assignment: Download the polling data from the 2004 US presidental election from Use this data to produce a pivot table with rows of states and values for the AVERAGE of the polls for each candidate in each state. Add a slicer to select or de-select various polling companies. See example. Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Lessons: Lesson 29

      Assignment: Download "Billy's Report Card". Write a function which will determine his overall percentage based on his marks on various projects worth different amounts. Use goal seek to determine what he must earn on his final project to get 85.5% (an A). Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Assignment: Download the full dataset of major projects in Alberta from . Create an analysis of the data which includes at least 2 charts, a pivot table and a slicer. Exactly how you analyze the data is up to you. Upload to FreshGrade.


Video about common PowerPoint errors
    • Assignment: Create an 8 slide presentation following these guidelines. See example. Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Assignment: Create an 8 slide narrated presentation following these guidelines. Upload to FreshGrade.

    • Assignment: Read the following scenario. Decide how Jim should push the board and create a narrated power point presentation from his perspective. The presentation should include animations and images and be between 4 and 6 slides in length. Each slide should have no more than 10 words on it. The last slide should be a sources slide listing any sites used. Upload to FreshGrade.


You will generally follow the GCF Word tutorials.

    • Lessons: Lesson 1-4

      Assignment: Download the sample database and familierize yourself with the interface. No assignment needs to be submitted

    • Lessons: Lesson 5

      Assignment: Open the sample database and then open the customers table. Make the following changes to the table. Save entire database as access2_YOURNAME.accdb and submit to Google Classroom.

      • Create a new entry for Frank Smith with phone number 555-552-5552, who lives at 5634 Pine Vista, Big Sur, California, 93920. His e-mail address is
      • Find the record for Jack Ford and change his e-mail address to
      • Remove all gridlines from the table.
      • Change the colour of the alternate rows to a colour of your choice.
    • Lessons: Lesson 6

      Assignment: Open the sample database and then make the following changes. Save entire database as access3_YOURNAME.accdb and submit to Google Classroom.

      • Using the form called "Orders" create a new order for two dozen Cranberry Walnut Cookies for Ed Bradshaw to be picked up June 28th. Mark that he has paid and make a note that he will pick the order up at 8am.
      • Using the form called "Customers" find the record for Harper Wilder and change her phone number to 919-555-6555.
    • Lessons: Lesson 7

      Assignment: Use filtering to determine the number of entries meeting various critera. Report by completing the Google Form in the Google Classroom.

    • Lessons: Lesson 8

      Assignment: Open the sample database and then make a new querry. Save entire database as access5_YOURNAME.accdb and submit to Google Classroom.

      • Select the customers table to include in your querry.
      • Add the following fields to your query:
        • First Name
        • Last Name
        • E-mail address
        • City
        • Zip Code
      • Set city and zip code fields to not show.
      • Filter the customers to only include those who live in Durham or have zip code 27514.
      • Run the querry
      • Save the querry as "Durham Customers".
    • Lessons: Lesson 9

      Assignment: Open the sample database and then make a new querry. Save entire database as access6_YOURNAME.accdb and submit to Google Classroom.

      • Create a querry which will return the names and phone numbers of the 3 customers from Durham who have orders which are NOT pre-paid.
      • Save querry as Unpaid Durham Customers
    • Lessons: Lesson 10

      Assignment: Open the sample database and then make a new querry. Save entire database as access7_YOURNAME.accdb and submit to Google Classroom.

      • Create a querry which will return the number of orders, first and last name and phone number of all customers who have PAID and whose phone number starts with 919. It should be organized first by number of orders in decending order and secondly by last name in ascending order. See example
    • Lessons: Lesson 11

      Assignment: Make new query with first name, last name and e-mail address of all customers on any form of the mailing list. Create a report of this query and export as a pdf, it should all be on a single page.

    • Lessons: Lesson 12

      Assignment: Open cookies sold report, add a date and time to the header, add page numbers to the footer, choose a new theme, and add a logo of your choice. Save as pdf and submit.

    • Lessons: Lesson 13

      Create new fields for the customer table: a yes/no check box for have credit card on file, and then, a short text field for “Type of Card” which must be “VISA” “MC” or “AMX” or a blank (use verification) and a short text for “Card Number” which restricts the length to 16 characters or less.

    • Lessons: Lesson 14

      Create a form from the customers table, Delete the subform, Create a combo box for city and give the following choices: Raleigh, Durham, Hillsborough,Cary, Chapel Hill, Garner,or Charlotte. Store the value in the City field and label the combo box NC City List. Save your form as “Customer Form”.

    • Build a database from scratch for a small primary school. There are 2 kindergarden classes with 17 students in each. There are two grade 1 classes with 20 students in each, and there is one grade 2 class with 23 students in it. Each class has a different teacher. In addition each student has a parent or gaurdian, though some parents have multiple children. Each student has a grade in their class (this is probably not accurate for a primary school) either A, B,C,D, or F. You will need to make up or use online data for the names and addresses of the parents, teachers and students.

      • Create a form for entering a new student and their parent
      • Create a querry which returns all the female students in grade 1 or 2
      • Create a querry which returns the names and phone numbers of parents of students in a particular teacher's class.
      • Create a querry which returns the names and addresses of all parents of students in kindergarten.
      • Create a report of the names of all students in grade 1 who have an A.
      • Create a report of the names of students in either grade 1 or 2 who have an F and their parents names and phone numbers.


Use the tutorials as for assistance.

Assignment Create a free Wordpress website

  • It should have at least 4 different pages incuding the home page
  • It should have a consistant theme (a band you like, a person you admire, a madue up company page, etc.)
  • It should have pictures and links
  • It should look good



Lesson: Wikihow:Taking minutes

Assignment #1: Find a copy of the minutes of a university student council meeting online. Create a word document with a link to the minutes in it. Write:

  • A one paragraph summery of what you think were the three most important things to come out of that meeting.
  • A one paragraph summery of the things which were done well in the minutes and the things which were not

Assignment #2: Watch the mock meeting from the Centre

  • Take minutes of the meeting, try to keep up with the video but pause it if needed.


  1. Bibliography: Create a paper using Word (or modifiy an existing one) so that it has at least 10 citations, an end note and and footnote, it should have a table of contents which is automatically generated and a bibliography which is also automatically generated.

  2. Final Project: Complete this project once all other aspects of the course are completed.