Scientific notation and unit conversions
- Use scientific notation and perform calculations using scientific notation where appropriate. Perform unit conversions using unit analysis, including conversion of SI units. (A2)
- Khan Academy scientific notation videos
- Tyler DeWitt Scientific notation intro video
- Tyler DeWitt Addition and subtraction with scientific notation
- Tyler DeWitt Multiplication and division with scientific notation
- Hebden pg 9-16 Unit Analysis
- Hebden pg 16-22 Unit Analysis with SI units
- Tyler DeWitt Unit Analysis
- Tyler DeWitt Unit Analysis with multiple units
- GetChemsitryHelp The metric system and conversions
- Tyler DeWitt Density playlist
Significant figures
- Relate uncertainty of measurements to significant figures and use significant figures to record data appropriately. Perform calculations on data and give final answer to correct number of significant figures. (A2)
- Tyler DeWitt Significant Figures Playlist
- CrashCourse Unit Conversion and Significant Figures